Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Neroli - Brian Eno

I was running out the door yesterday, and quickly checked the mail. I am expecting something rather exciting some time this week, I opened the box to find a small package addressed to me, from the UK. Inside was a CD.

Cover (Neroli:Brian Eno)

I opened the jacket, and looked for a note, nothing. I looked in the packaging. Nothing. So I decided to put the CD into the player. It was incredible. The rolling sound, never changing, only shifting (or 'calm, still and deep, yet always evolving' as the blerb says) . Incredible. It is what I have been searching for, but not knowing I needed.

Who sent it to me? Was it even meant for me? A small footnote in the blerb says "...the record is often chosen for use during childbirth and is a semi-permanent fixture in some maternity hospitals". So I took that as definitely meant for me.

I have no friends or living family in the UK. So the mystery remains, but in the meantime, I am most certainly enjoying the music! 

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Parenting a teen

What do you do when they don't do what you ask?
When what you ask is the bare minimum?
When  you have lowered your expectations so you don't get disappointed?
And then you are disappointed anyway.

What do you do when you invite someone into your family, but they do not contribute?
How much should you expect from a 17 year old (who wishes they were 21, but also wants to be 12 again)
Synthetic hormones, already damaging fertility
Drugs and alcohol, who knows what is true
How do you make rules when you broke them at that age yourself?

Chaos on me by Tancredi Trugenberger

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Just a little bit of news...

We got a little bit of news today- we are staying put for another 12 months! Wayne's work contract was extended, so we still have somewhere to live, until our house in Perth sells. Don't know where we will be after that, but it will be in Victoria.

So what does this mean for us?

  • My Mum REALLY is not going to be happy.
  • We will decide where we want to live based on what is best for our little family, not where our families are from.
  • I get to celebrate my birthday in June with my friends, we were going to be moving 5 days before!
  • I won't have to change my blog name!