Tuesday, 21 June 2011

A parcel from Perth

One of the things I love about living here is that because my Mum can't visit often, she sends me lots of parcels. We definitely keep Australia Post in business, with the amount of parcels and cards we send and receive. Today Charlotte and I returned home from Mother Goose time to find something special in our letterbox!

Yay! A package from Mum containing a knitted dress for Charlotte's birthday (I just have to add some buttons) and some children's books from the swap meet.

 There was a book for me 'The Australian Woman's Weekly Kids Parties' (circa 1991!) and a newspaper clipping of my brother at 'Strut Dance' opening night.
  Bianca Martin & Andrew Rhodes

The two things I love most about Mum's packages are the hand written letter, and random objects she encloses. This time, to fill the satchel, Mum sent two packets of 'pretty' serviettes. We are still working our way through the last lot of 'pretty' serviettes, I believe we have enough to last until 2020!

Monday, 20 June 2011

I've finally started a blog!

I have wanted to start a blog for a long time, and finally I have stopped procrastinating. It is here!

My name is Victoria, and I live in Victoria with my husband Wayne and our ten month old daughter Charlotte. We have lived in Victoria for eighteen months and in twelve months time we will be returning to Perth, where we lived previously. I have loved living here, the people, the places, it has all enriched my life immensely. I want to record the places we visit, and the celebrations we have while we are here.

Time passes so quickly, before I know it, my baby will no longer be a baby, and it will be time to leave. Sigh.

Another reason for starting this blog is wanting to fully embrace my life as a stay at home mum. Before moving here, I worked full time and studied. I earned my own money andI enjoy cooking, sewing, crafting and keeping my home nice. A book I have just read 'The Parent and Child Group Handbook: A Steiner/ Waldorf Approach' by Dot Male, described the everyday activities of looking after a home and child as the domestic arts, and reinforced to me the importance and the joy that can come.

My creative arts for the day- so I didn't knit the vest, I sewed on the cute polka dot buttons!